
Divine Madness

Divine Madness

In a nation of people who are moving to a morality based on xenophobia and arbitrary discrimination masked as ethical superiority, there exists a subculture of sinners, heretics and transgressors of the laws of the concrete jungle. These people, whether their existence be one of idyllic communion or of desperate nonconformity, become the pariahs of their progenitors, neither understood nor respected by their peers as they dance a mad dance that frightens the man on the street due to intensity,…

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Soror Ginsu’s Ontological Toybox

Soror Ginsu’s Ontological Toybox

Mommas, Dont Let Yer Babies Grow Up to be Thelemites What does that subtitle have to do with anything? I have no idea. I just like the sound of it. But what this little bit of mumbling is all about is trying to explain some of my fundamental concepts on magick. Partially this is a process for me to analyze and organize my thoughts, partly I put this out to help others who want to do magick and therefore feed…

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