A Non-Prophet Organization

A Non-Prophet Organization

F.N.O.R.D. is a Discordian disorganization dedicated to…
Well, We at F.N.O.R.D. aren’t really dedicated to anything, per se, but, as we at F.N.O.R.D. like to say:

We think all right thinking people in this world are SICK and TIRED of being told that ordinary, decent people are not fed up in this world with being sick and tired. We certainly are. And we’re sick and tired of being told that we’re not. (Here is an opposing view)

So, we at F.N.O.R.D. try to make you less sick and tired of being fed up with people not being fed up with being sick and tired by providing things of various degrees of Discordian mayhem so that you can be fed up with everyone else being fed up about being sick and tired of being sick and tired and be sick and tired in a relaxed and illuminated way. Um, yeah…that’s it.

This document is a law-abiding member of the internet community. It especially abides by the laws of quantum physics which state that the observer must effect the observed in the act of observing. This was originally an namby-pamby web page with lots of frames and extra graphics and had absolutely NO content that would violate the Communications Decency Act. Now that you have looked at it, who knows what sort of twisted monstrosity it has become, you bloody pervert!


How long have We at F.N.O.R.D. been around? Look here.